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I find it extremely appalling and saddening to hear that
the GV School District #61 has decided to permenantly
close Lampson Elementary at the end of June. This school
which dates back to 1903 was designated a heritage
building in 1992 and that same year underwent a complete
restoration that brought it back to it's original glory.
As both a parent and educator I feel that closing this
school will not only be a waste of a perfectly good
building but we will be losing a vital part of both our
community's and our country's educational history. Stand
up and help join the fight in helping save Lampson School
and convince the GVSD to reverse their decision to close
this wonderful and historic location. Remember if we lose
this school not only are our kids losing a valuable and
important place of learning, we are also losing a big part
of ourselves. Save Lampson Elementary!!

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