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I'm looking for support groups for falsely accused
teachers, help in any way, websites that monitor public
school superintendants, etc. The "system" we have in Pa.
is just plain crazy. I'm looking for good people that want
to help teachers fight back against a system that denies
teachers their due process under the law. I'm not here to
vent, I'm here to find a group to change the system, to one
that holds superintendants accountable for their actions.
Please help. Thanks.
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Anonymous for this one It is SOOOOO easy to "get" a teacher anymore, particularly male teachers. Over the course of 32 years, I have had false allegations leveled at me three times, in 3 separate locations, once in a private school and two other times in public ones. Every time I was exonerated, but it is the allegation that kills. It nearly ended my career the second ti...See More
Dec 23, 2010
sherri On 12/13/07, Dave wrote: > I'm looking for support groups for falsely accused > teachers, help in any way, websites that monitor public > school superintendants, etc. The "system" we have in Pa. > is just plain crazy. I'm looking for good people that want > to help teachers fight back against a system that denies > teachers their ...See More
Jan 15, 2011
sherri On 12/23/10, Anonymous for this one wrote: > > It is SOOOOO easy to "get" a teacher anymore, particularly male > teachers.

Anonymous, I would like to get enough teachers together to make a real "voice" to get something done to stop this. Anybody out there?
Jan 15, 2011
sherri It doesn't look like there is a way for teachers to fight back. How is your research going, Milauna?

On 9/29/10, Milauna Jackson wrote: > I am a student in LAVC and would like to bring to attention the > powerful impact of being falsely accused of sexual misconduct. > If any one would like to discuss their personal experience of ...See More
Jan 15, 2011
anonymous On 1/15/11, sherri wrote: > On 12/23/10, Anonymous for this one wrote: >> >> It is SOOOOO easy to "get" a teacher anymore, particularly male >> teachers. > > Anonymous, I would like to get enough teachers together to make a > real "voice" to get something done to stop this. Anybody out there?

Can somebody plea...See More
May 7, 2011

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