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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I need help! I am looking statewide now for a program that
has worked in the past that would place high school
students inside of state representatives' district
offices, where they would plan, promote, and execute
community projects.

I would very much like to initiate such a program in my
school district, Humble, or perhaps in Livingston. Its
tough going. Teen apathy is legendary and public servants
such as state reps. are rightfully wary. But I am sure
that, if done right, this would be a huge benefit for all

To clarify: I would like to see young people in a program
where they would be able to issue press releases, execute
fundraisers, deal effectively with professionals, work in
and learn about government, and play a positive role in
their communities. If a state legislator, or other
politician would sponsor such a program, the students
would be able to accomplish project...See More

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