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I am an elementary school teacher in a rural school district in upstate NY. The issue of bullying in all forms (including cyber-bullying) has been an increasingly dusturbing problem in our district (and across the country). We've had tolerance and acceptance workshops/assemblies with the students at all levels, but that is only a temporary fix. Recently we decided to form a committee to try and research possible porograms that other schools across the state/country are using that are effective. Bottom line: We need an effective program that is K-12 and has clear consequences for the offenders. Our district needs to develop a policy that creates a safe learning environment for our students and teachers. I've been doing research on the internet, but wanted some feedback from those that have experience with it firsthand. Any suggestions?
Beverly Paramore On 6/04/09, Alisa Finck wrote: > I am an elementary school teacher in a rural school > district in upstate NY. The issue of bullying in all forms > (including cyber-bullying) has been an increasingly > dusturbing problem in our district (and across the > country). We've had tolerance and acceptance > workshops/assemblies with the ...See More
Jun 6, 2009
Mrs. G I just finished teaching two different programs from the Mendez Foundation "Too Good for Drugs" & "Too Good for Violence". I would teach TGFD in the Fall, followed by TGFV in the Spring to the same classes over the past two years. Coupled with the elementary school's Positive Behavior Support (PBS) program...there has been a drop in 'referrals'...See More
Jun 7, 2009

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