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What are your thoughts on Race to the Top. It sounds like a new and more terrible addition to NCLB. What are Obama and his lackeys--CRAZY! Any teacher who supports this nonsense is crazy too!! How on earth can teacher evaluations be tied to test scores? That is holding teachers in Watts to the same standard as Beverly Hills! Also, some years are harder than others. And yet the funding is given to state that promote this garbage. I can't believe there is anyone out there who thinks this is a good idea.

Then it will get very political. The suck up lackey teacher will win the best kids. Those who don't suck up could get the low kids with behavioral issues.

This is not a good time to be a teacher.
an alternative plan to just bemoaning These are not good times.... And Everything is very political in and out of education. Politics invented education - we are public schools after all.

I don't like it either but I fundamentally understand that for the several billion dollars spent on education every year, the public wants something more in return than just the fact that we ...See More
Sep 9, 2009

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