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Camping on Victoria boulevards is now illegal.

With about a half a dozen people looking on, city councillors gave final reading Thursday to an amendment to the city’s streets and traffic bylaw prohibiting camping in road allowances.

Only Coun. Philippe Lucas dissented, calling the bylaw “over-broad, regressive and reflective of past motions of past councils that have not served us well.” Lucas said there are other ways to address safety issues.

The bylaw prohibits occupancy of medians and sidewalks between sunset and sunrise the next day. Occupancy is defined as “squatting, kneeling or lying down.”

An offense carries a fine of $42.50. People are allowed to congregate on the medians between sunrise and sundown.

“It means the neighbourhood residents cannot walk their dogs on that space legally. It means teenagers cannot meet on a park bench to discuss life and or to make out. It me...See More

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