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Hosni Mubarak resigned Friday. Two important steps in the months ahead, post-Hosni Mubarak, could be constitutional reforms and a new round of parliamentary elections.

After 18 days of demands for freedom from the Egyptian people, Hosni Mubarak stepped down from power Friday, bringing a moment of intense joy and jubilation for millions of Egyptians.

Pride, tears, joy: Egyptian-Americans celebrate Egypt's new beginning Mubarak steps down. What comes next for the Egyptian revolution? With Egypt's Mubarak out, the question is 'Who is Omar Suleiman?' Yet as historic and awe- inspiring as the day was, the departure of the man who ruled the country for almost 30 years only underscored the idea that change in Egypt has just begun.

“This is not the end of Egypt’s transition,” President Obama said in a statement delivered at the White House Friday afternoon. “It’s a beginning.”

As Mr. Obama said, the “privilege to witness history taking place”...See More

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