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Four years ago, when I first started teaching, I found the job to be hectic and all consuming... to be honest, it hasn't gotten all that much easier.

That's why I want to share with you the website I've developed. It's a really simple website aimed at making teaching language, reading, and current events straight forward and concise. The website is called [link removed].

I wish you the best, J. Tilly
Gen F. Neat site, just visited it. So how do you filter which articles make it to your site and which don't? Thanks for sharing with us :)

On 3/18/11, Jonathan Tilly wrote: > Hi, > > Four years ago, when I first started teaching, I found the > job to be hectic and all consuming... to be honest, it > hasn't gotten all that much eas...See More
Jul 12, 2011
Jonathan Tilly Thanks for visiting the site.

We're lucky that we don't have to filter stories. We have several journalists who write for us on topics that are really broad and current. In essence, the journalists find the stories and the teachers connect it to the curriculum.

I'm glad you liked our site. Please make sure to keep us in mind as a ...See More
Jul 21, 2011
Preston I'm in my first year of substitute teaching (and teaching in general) and look forward to incorporating your website into my instruction. Your site will be a great tool for making quality, beneficial use of unfilled time during my sub assignments. Beginning during my student teaching, I've been searching for a website such as this for my students. ...See More
Oct 30, 2011

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