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Moammar Gadhafi was killed when he was shot in the head during crossfire between rebel fighters and the ousted Libyan leader's forces, the prime minister of the Libyan transitional government said Thursday.

According to Reuters, Mahmoud Jibril told a news conference that Gadhafi was taken out of a sewage pipe in his hometown of Sirte as it fell to revolutionary fighters

He added that Gadhafi didn't show any resistance.

"When we started moving him, he was hit by a bullet in his right arm and when they put him in a truck, he did not have any other injuries," Jibril told a news conference, according to Reuters.

"When the car was moving it was caught in crossfire between the revolutionaries and Gadhafi forces in which he was hit by a bullet in the head," Jibril said reading from a forensic report.

Jibril said the forensic doctor could not tell if the bullet came from Gadhafi's forces or the rebels. The prime minister said Gadhafi died before rea...See More

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