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Educating For Sustainable Happiness A Symposium on Exploring Values, Crossing Cultures, Using Technology, and Forging Global Partnerships in Support of a 21st Century Education With a special focus on the Kingdom of Bhutan

August 9 -12th, 2012 Ashburnham, Massachusetts

The Bhutan Canada Foundation and Cushing Academy will host a symposium to explore the question, “What does education in the 21st century look like?” In particular, what are the ideas, best practices, and pedagogy that will most effectively lead to the development of sustainable happiness amongst students? Through collaboration, discussions, current issue debate, and the presentation of case studies we aim to focus on four key areas: Values, Identity & Leadership; Experiential Education & Cross Cultural Learning Expeditions; Global Partnerships in Education; Technology as an Essential Instructional Tool.

Keynote speakers include:

Patrick Bassett, President, National Associ...See More

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