I am looking for an art project to do with clay, while teaching primary unit on Chile. What shapes, colors does Chile use when working with clay. If anyone has any information to share with children about Chile I would appreciate it. Thank you so much.
A Poem of Magnitude Porportions mr5012u by: mr5012u A Poem of Magnitude Porportions by David Harrison Levi [email removed]
How can I begin to explain the magnitude of the love we share?? It is beyond measure and fulfills my every desire. Your love has captured my soul and lifted me out of the darkness and gave me such light and purpose. I never knew what true love felt like before you entered into my life. I can not imagine life without you, can not imagine not ever having loved you, can not imagine a time when my heart did not beat for you, can not imagine never hearing the sound of your sweet voice, the singing of your songs, can not imagine never feeling your arms wrapped about me, can not imagine your hands never lightly caressing me, can not imagine never hearing you whisper softly into my ear that you love me. My love, I have truly been blessed by God to have you love me, want me, need me, desire me, inspire me and enrich me. You are the love of my life, my soulmate, my confidant, my lover, my best friend!! Thank you for taking my hand and pulling me close and never letting me go. With your tenderness you gave me life once more. I love you!! now and for always; A Poem of Love by David Harrison Levi ... Beverly Hills, CA. USA 90210 _________________ David Harrison Levi
A Poem of Magnitude Porportions by: [email removed]
How can I begin to explain the magnitude of the love we share?? It is beyond measure and fulfills my every desire. Your love has captured my soul and lifted me out of the darkness and gave me such light and purpose. I never knew what true love felt like before you entered into my life. I can not imagine life without you, can not imagine not ever having loved you, can not imagine a time when my heart did not beat for you, can not imagine never hearing the sound of your sweet voice, the singing of your songs, can not imagine never feeling your arms wrapped about me, can not imagine your hands never lightly caressing me, can not imagine never hearing you whisper softly into my ear that you love me. My love, I have truly been blessed by God to have you love me, want me, need me, desire me, inspire me and enrich me. You are the love of my life, my soulmate, my confidant, my lover, my best friend!! Thank you for taking my hand and pulling me close and never letting me go. With your tenderness you gave me life once more. I love you!! now and for always; A Poem of Love by David Harrison Levi ... Beverly Hills, CA. USA 90210 _________________ David Harrison Levi
One need only look at the counter productive posts we get on the regular NJ teacher board to see that we need a AR board. This is an issue that has been brought up a number of times but teacher.net still have not set one up. We clearly need on. There is so much confusion on the issue in NJ. Havng our own board will give us the chance to talk to each other and give each other support. As it is now we must share the NJ board with teachers who went into teaching via the traditional route. Many times they are a big distraction as they attack the alternate route program and the candidates who are attemping to enter teaching via this alternate route
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of my NTE scores?? I took the test sometine around 1989 or 1990, and I've misplaced the letter I received telling me my scores. HELP!!!!!!
Hi! I'm doing a uni assignment where we assess an educational discussion group. With this one I've found it's been great. I'm assuming there is moderator from some of the messages posted, I'm just wondering how often messages posted are checked through and deleted if inappropriate?
I am looking for ideas on teaching quotations to second grade students. They have not learned how to use them yet and I'm stuck on how to teach it in a creative and fun way!
Anything inside the quotation marks are the speaker's words. The rest is the speaker tag. Have the students have a simple conversation ...dolls, toys You write it on the board or overhead. Place the 66's and 99's in colour. Write the speaker's words in one colour and the speaker tag in another colour. Have 2 students to read the conversation. One reads what the speaker says and the other reads the speaker tag [who says it]. Then have them try to place the marks and the commas, question marks etc. after practising a lot together. Make it fun. Not too much at once. This can be done on strips of paper. The students match the speaker's words and the speaker tag and then read it.
Hope this helps or sparks an idea for you.
On 3/26/04, Kristin Bishop wrote: > I am looking for ideas on teaching quotations to second > grade students. They have not learned how to use them yet > and I'm stuck on how to teach it in a creative and fun way! > > Any ideas? > > Thank you, > > Kristin Bishop
One need only look at the counter productive posts we get on the regular NJ teacher board to see that we need a AR board. This is an issue that has been brought up a number of times but teacher.net still have not set one up. We clearly need on. There is so much confusion on the issue in NJ. Havng our own board will give us the chance to talk to each other and give each other support. As it is now we must share the NJ board with teachers who went into teaching via the traditional route. Many times they are a big distraction as they attack the alternate route program and the candidates who are attemping to enter teaching via this alternate route
I am an alternate route candidate that was recently hired as a teacher in the Archdiocese of Newark, NJ. The school will do all the hours and mentoring so that I can receive my teacher’s license. Does anyone know if or when I need to join the NJEA and NEA? Is there a separate union for just Catholic teachers? Thank you,
I would like to see a new message board about Dyslexia. The state of Texas is now mandating that all schools provide dyslexia services. If you read the following, you'll see what I'm up against - and I have no one to talk to about my problems. No one in my district knows about dyslexia or cares to know. They just want me to "handle it". Thank you. I teach in a very small rural school district. I am the ONLY dyslexia person for the entire district. I keep all the paperwork for every dyslexic child in the district. I test all children for dyslexia in the district. I write all reports and conduct all conferences for dyslexia for the entire district. I have to make sure that all students that qualify for dyslexia services in the district receive proper services, that all modifications are being followed by teachers for each student, and that all paperwork for each student is kept up to date. In addition, I am to teach 10 classes of dyslexia to students in grades K - 5 on Monday thru Friday. I also wrote the district's Dyslexia Handbook and will be revising it for next year. I am also in charge of getting "all the ducks in a row" for a dyslexia DEC visit. When I recently received my contract, it stated my job as being "certified classroom teacher". I get no extra $$ for being the administrator/director and diagnostician for the district's dyslexia program. I also have to attend any ARD's for my students. Does this seem right to you? Any suggestions about what I can do about this situation? Thanks.
On 3/16/04, David Harrison Levi wrote:
> A Poem of Magnitude Porportions by: [email removed]