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I need a place to vent and get experience from other
teachers about dealing with parents who think their own
little Johnny can't do any wrong, etc.
Karla Bevel /blockquote>

Well, I do agree that we all need to vent - but, hey - is it
gonna change anything - pretty soon we're griping all the
time. Forget those morons - they're not gonna change and
neither are their children - concentrate on the positives.
Feb 19, 2003
NIKI /blockquote>

On 11/22/04, tired of parents making excuses for their kids!
> I need to go to my boyfriends house but they won't let me
>what do I do? They won't let me because he is 6 months
older than me what do I do?
Nov 22, 2004
Jay /blockquote>

On 9/03/01, tired of parents making excuses for their kids!
> I need a place to vent and get experience from other
> teachers about dealing with parents who think their own
> little Johnny can't do any wrong, etc.

I see that you needed to vent, and I think that parents need
to do...See More
Aug 30, 2007

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