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I see that you added a couple of great new boards. Now,
where is that 6 traits board. It would be SOOOOO great!
Ginny nfm /blockquote>

On 12/27/01, Mae in Texas wrote:
> I see that you added a couple of great new boards. Now,
> where is that 6 traits board. It would be SOOOOO great!
> Mae
Dec 27, 2001
Kathleen /blockquote>

On 12/27/01, Mae in Texas wrote:
> I see that you added a couple of great new boards. Now,
> where is that 6 traits board. It would be SOOOOO great!
> Mae

I hear you and will continue to work toward that goal. :o)

Be sure to support the Professional Reading forum to
demonstrate tha...See More
Dec 27, 2001
Mae in Texas /blockquote>

I've already jumped on that board. It's great! My
participation on the boards is less during the school year than
during the summer, but I would use the 6 traits board a lot as
I feel my way through teaching writing. Thanks. Mae
Jan 1, 2002

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