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A Poem of Magnitude Porportions mr5012u
by: mr5012u A Poem of Magnitude Porportions by David
Harrison Levi [email removed]

How can I begin to explain the magnitude of the love we
share?? It is beyond measure and fulfills my every desire.
Your love has captured my soul and lifted me out of the
darkness and gave me such light and purpose. I never knew
what true love felt like before you entered into my life.
I can not imagine life without you, can not imagine not
ever having loved you, can not imagine a time when my heart
did not beat for you, can not imagine never hearing the
sound of your sweet voice, the singing of your songs, can
not imagine never feeling your arms wrapped about me, can
not imagine your hands never lightly caressing me, can not
imagine never hearing you whisper softly into my ear that
you love me.
My love, I have truly been blessed by God to have you love
me, want me, need ...See More

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