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Please check out a post on the special ed. chatboard. A
poster, Bob/Va, has posted a picture of a donkey, and
implied that another poster is an A**. This poster has
engaged in name calling on previous occasions. It is very
unprofessional, and keeps people with a genuine interest
in sp. ed. from participating on the board.

Thank you,
ri teacher /blockquote>

the Rhode Island board has been taken over by a group of
people who are emotionally overwrought about puppy mills, etc.
It is getting really annoying
Mar 20, 2005
Samantha/NC /blockquote>

Please check the discipline board--it is very UGLY over

On 3/20/05, ri teacher wrote:
> the Rhode Island board has been taken over by a group of
> people who are emotionally overwrought about puppy mills,
> It is getting really annoying
May 29, 2005

Teacher Chatboards


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