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I use to belong to the first grade mailring and I would
receive a hundred posts over the period of a couple of
days. Then about a year and half ago, the posts stopped
coming. I have resubscribed a countless number of times
to no avail. Is there a first grade mailring?? If not,
why does teachers.net still allow us to "subscribe"? I've
asked this question many times on the chatboards but again
to no avail. I got so many wonderful ideas from the first
grade mailring...I really went into withdrawals when the
posts stopped coming. Any ideas as to what is going on?
Diana /blockquote>

On 7/14/05, miss the mailring wrote:
> I use to belong to the first grade mailring and I would
> receive a hundred posts over the period of a couple of
> days. Then about a year and half ago, the posts stopped
> coming. I have resubscribed a countless number of times
> to no avail. Is ther...See More
Feb 5, 2006
Diana /blockquote>

On 7/14/05, miss the mailring wrote:
> I use to belong to the first grade mailring and I would
> receive a hundred posts over the period of a couple of
> days. Then about a year and half ago, the posts stopped
> coming. I have resubscribed a countless number of times
> to no avail. Is ther...See More
Feb 5, 2006

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