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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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It would be great if you folks could create a board for
those of us who work WITH or FOR teachers. We still pay
union dues for the educational association, as well as for
our local para group ... and we take classes, seminars,
etc. to help us expand our skills. When I talk to
assistants from other districts or states, I'm always
shocked to hear how different our responsibilities can be
(some do clerical work, pc work, photocopying, helping to
teach kids...others just wipe tables, escort kids around to
lunch and other classes, tie shoelaces, open juiceboxes,
etc.) ... Something to consider!
Joyce---board at Yahoo Groups! /blockquote>

I would like to see a parapro board also. In the meantime, I
have created a group at Yahoo.

Go to Yahoo Groups and type "paraprofessional" in the search
box. My group should appear. So far, not many have joined;
maybe I could post on the main board? It's hard to know how
to get the word out.
...See More
Jan 20, 2007

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