Fifth Grade
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I currently have been having troubles with a boy in my 5th grade classroom. He has been having troubles with reading and comprehension for the last past 5 years of his life. The school has provided him with special education teachers to help him within school, and his mother pays for a tutor outside of school for extra assistance. His previous teachers, special education teachers, his mother and myself have all concluded that the extra assistance is helping him, but not enough. Recently, his mother took him to an occupational therapist to get tested. The test results stated that he has a severe tracking problem. This concludes that when he reads, he has an extremely difficult time comprehending anything that he is reading.

Along with this recent discovery, this boy has been acting out behaviorally. His actions include inappropriate drawings, inappropriate language, lying, and bullying. I am beginning to think that due to his academic problems, he is giving up. According to B....See More

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