Fifth Grade
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Hello - I was reviewing a research project I have assigned in the past. It is a great research project - at least it used to be. The students had to write (or type) a min. 2 page report and then had to include some sort of creative product - a poster perferably. The poster should include illustrations the support the information they include in their reports, along with captions, etc. They would also have to present their final work to their classmates in the form of an oral presentation. But now I'm wondering if they should really be typing their papers and sending them to me via email? I'm wondering if they should create a poster to support their work, or should it be some sort of powerpoint or some video short? If they should present their work in front of their classmates, or if their product should be viewed via some online resource? A part of me wants to remain "old school", but another part of me wants to get my students ready for their real world, which includes their work with...See More
Sara You ask good questions. I'd say while ideally we want school to be in keeping with the times - we also want our students' classroom experience to be positive. And goodness knows, we have to fill the time somehow.

That said, I always have my 5th grade students type and everything. There are many good reasons in my opinion to have students ...See More
Jan 10, 2011
cam All writing my kids do is sent to me by email. I have been doing it this way for about 5 years. When we do our research paper they learn to make source cards, note cards, an outline, and then type a rough draft. This is emailed to me and I proof it and email it back for their editing and final draft. If you wish to supplement with a visual I think ...See More
yesterday, 2011
judy5ca I agree with Sara, you ask good questions--some of which I asked myself. Though experienced, I've only been teaching 5th for 2 years. I do have my kids write research reports because it is one of our state standards and it's a great way to incorporate tech standards (I'm including Common Core Standards below so we can see research reports will stil...See More
Feb 13, 2011

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