Fifth Grade
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I've been teaching 5th grade for 15 years. Each year the kids (especially some of the boys)are so totally clueless about what expected 10-11 y.o. behavior is, that I just don't know what to think. I have one who dances around the room to get from here to there, while the more mature boys say things like "stop embarrassing yourself" and the girls just roll their eyes. This child has the queen of all helicopter mothers at home so I'm guessing that she tells him it's cute. I can see this kid inside a locker in middle school LOL! aNYONE CONCUR?
Mae in Texas I'm completely convinced that boys go through a goofy stage the same way girls go through hormonal stages. It begins around 5th grade and continues until about 10th or 11th grade (and sometimes until they are nearly 30 years old). I have 4th grade boys who have started entering the goofy stage in the past month. They have gone completely silly! I t...See More
May 29, 2011

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