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Hello anyone interested in helping with my dissertation topic. the survey is below

• My signature means that I agree to participate in this study. Participant's signature: ________________________________ Date:____/____/____

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What is the Likelihood of First, Second, and Third Year Teachers to Leave the Profession and What Factors Contribute to them Leaving Based on the Amount of Effectiveness of Mentoring Received?

Teacher Demographic Survey General Background Information 1. Gender a. Male b. Female 2. Age a. 18-24 b. 25-34 c. 35-44 d. 45-54 e. 55-64 f. 65+ 3. Tenure a. < 1 year b. 1 -2 c. Greater than or equal to 3 years 4. Employee Status a. Full time b. Less than full time

Teacher Mentoring Inventory (TMI)

1 2 3 4 5 6 1. I am likely to remain in my current profession (teaching) over the next two years. 2. My mentoring engagement provided me with the informat...See More

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