Fifth Grade
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This is my 5th year of teaching music, and also my favorite group of 5th graders - Really nice kids, interested in learning, etc. I've told them many times how much I like them, what a great class they are and brag on what they have learned. But this week they are nutso, pretty much the opposite of what I just said. I know it is normal for this type of year, but do I have to get mean and dictatorial with them to get control back?
Leah I know it is normal for this type of year, but Do I have to get mean and dictatorial >with them to get control back?

I wouldn't think so, but you may need to share your disappointment in their changed behavior. You might want to have them brainstorm ways you could help them regroup to have their behavior become more appropriate. And th...See More
May 6, 2011
dan4thgr Since you teach music, the academy awards show the teacher in this blog does at the end of the year might be changed into the Grammy awards and be held in the day, not night. This will give them plenty of fun work to do, plus have them focus on what they have learned about music and themselves. Might work for you.

[link removed]
May 21, 2011
Early Birdy It is important to have a special project or two for the last week of school. I like to do something that allows them to be looseer and creative. They behave because they want to be included. I take my students outside to do nature drawings which is surprisigly calming for them. You might try "improve" or kareoke...stuff like helps them ...See More
May 28, 2011

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