Fifth Grade
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Next year I'm moving from Freshman to 5th grade - district changes. I've never taught an elementary grade and want to do right by the students. I have 8 years of teaching experience and feel that I am a good teacher, but I know next to nothing about 5th grade (although my credential does license me to this level). Help?

I could use some tips on the basics of setting up properly for the start of the year. How does a self-contained classroom "work"? Any advise or recommendations on web or text resources would be great. Also, I will be in a very small classroom and am unsure of how to set up stations in that environment. Thank you
dm This chatboard is a great resource.

Since they will be self-contained, have centers/extension activities and small group practice ready because some kids will get concepts right away and finish early, while some will need to be pulled for extra help.

Not sure what math publisher you will be using, but here are some websites for m...See More
Jun 15, 2011

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