Fifth Grade
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Every year the snack idea rears its ugly head, and there's already talk that a few parents from the 4th grade will be pushing for this in 5th next year. Admin says "why not have snack?" but we've never had it in 5th. In my experience in other schools, although it is supposed to be a "working snack" and ready to peeling, cutting, stirring, opening, etc. it becomes the focus of about 1/2 hour. If you do have it what are your thoughts?
We do but I always thought it an oddity at this particular school because we've never had a snack break in fifth grade at any other school I've taught in...and that's 5 other schools spread out over 2 states and over 25 years.

We are suppose to have a 10 min. snack/recess break. It never takes just 10 min., more like 20-25 min. by the time they ...See More
Jun 15, 2011
Julie Students at my school eat their snack during morning recess. Those students that bring a snack eat it at the lunch tables and when they finish they go to the playground to play. This is the policy in grades 1-6. The kinders have their own playground so I'm not sure how they handle snack. I can't imagine spending 1/2 hour in the classroom on snack t...See More
Jun 16, 2011
t I've done a working snack with 5th graders for several years and have never had a problem. Children eat their snack during a whole group math lesson (10-15 minutes) and then clean up for small group work. I won't allow junk food and most children bring a snack that can be eaten in the short amount of time. Anything left over can be saved for lunch ...See More
Jun 18, 2011

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