Fifth Grade
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Hi Everyone! I'm looking for some advice for my job interview on 7/05 for a 5th grade teaching position at a private school. I am a new teacher with ONLY student teaching experience (1st & 5th grades). What questions should I ask and any other tips would be greatly appreciated! So far I'm just re- reading "The First Days of School" Wong and looking over my student teaching/class notes to refresh my memoryon the current terms and popular practices in teaching.
dm Yes, reading up on Harry Wong and other things is a great way to prepare! I've noticed when I've interviewed at charters/private schools, they especially want to know why you want to work there (vs. public schools which usually pay more, better benefits, etc.). I'm very genuine when I tell them I'm looking for a smaller, more family-like culture. T...See More
Jul 4, 2011

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