Fifth Grade
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As a substitute teacher, I've had an insane time with middle school students, especially the sixth and seventh graders. I'm probably approaching them the wrong way. I worked with older teenagers, 17-19, during student teaching and never really did a lot with younger students. I've tried to treat the middle school students like adults, but that was a complete fail. I then started trying to treat them like criminals, because that was the way they were acting, from my perspective. I don't treat them like children, because I guess I don't really know how to treat children. I was never trained to work with the elementary grades, and I would like an idea of how the classes run in elementary school. How do you usually introduce activities? How much do you converse with the students? What are your classroom management strategies? What really works in elementary school? How do you present your lessons? What kinds of strategies do you use to teach the material? Where can I find mor...See More

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