Fifth Grade
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I am being moved from kindergarten after 12 years to 5th grade comm. arts (not my idea). Any suggestions on classroom management, read alouds, anything? I am willing to take any suggestions.
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Marie For 12 years taught 7th and 5th grade. Last year I was put in first grade on a kinder/first hallway. Biggest differences: their admiration is much more subdued, respect their space and their intelligence, try not to refer to them as "our friends". After the first two months things start to fall into place. My year in first grade was one of my most ...See More
Jun 29, 2012
ECC That's the great thing about reading a book allowed, you can discuss those themes together so children are not alone with their confused thoughts. Reading allowed enables children to access books they may not otherwise be able to handle independently. Is it because a major character dies? I connect this book to the other historical themes I teach l...See More
Jul 1, 2012
to ECC Of course I ban books from my fifth grade classroom...and films, You Tubes, media, anything I find objectionable. My students hear from me when they consistently choose junky fiction books and trash novels from the library. They are missing out on a world of rich literature, and I am not going to stand by without saying is why most c...See More
Jul 10, 2012
Sara Kids are being exposed to more than I would like, but I think what > they are seeing on TV and reading online is way more damaging than > what they are reading in books. Am I the only teacher that feels > this way?

Well, no, you're not alone. I think both the violence and sheer tasteless junk that's on television now is appalling...See More
Jul 30, 2012
Maybeme Our last readaloud of the year was "Among the Hidden" in my grade 3/4 class. Throughout the year, my students studied much of what is not pretty in life - we learned about child labour, studied special needs, acid rain and several novels that were complex ... I choose books that work best with the particular children I am working with at the time. ...See More
Aug 3, 2012

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