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My school is departmentalizing this year for almost all elementary grades. I see by the number of posts that many other elementary schools are doing this too. Does anyone know why this is the latest trend? Does it have to do with the new APPR requirements. Seems to me that departmentalizing at such a young age doesn't really benefit the students, but there must be a reason why so many schools are turning towards it this year. How come?
Ilove2teach I don't feel K-2 should be departmentalized but I think the other grades should be. One of the reasonsing I think that my principal has done it for years is the fact that she feels that teachers should teach in the area that they are strongest in. 5th graders need to get use to changing classes because when they go to middle school (6th grade) they...See More
Aug 6, 2012
Vet Teacher It's a bandwagon and jumping on it. That's too often how decisions are made in education - if everybody else is doing it. Common sense never reigns.

While it seems like it makes sense to have teachers teach where they are strongest, what is the role of an elementary school teacher? What of creating a sense of community for young children ...See More
Aug 7, 2012
whom Maybe it is easier for the teacher to teach one or two subjects - less prep time. >
Sep 10, 2012

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