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In the September issue of Teachers.Net Gazette: Behavior Intervention Ideas by Function By Lisa Bundrick, LMSW

In general, students often engage in undesirable behavior to get something or to get out of something. The following are possible functions of student’s behavior:

Acceptance: Attempt to connect/relate with others.

Attention: Drawing attention to self.

Avoidance: To avoid a task/activity or escape a consequence or situation.

Expression of Self: A forum of expression, a statement of needs or perceived needs.

Gratification: Self-reward or enjoyment of the behavior.

Power/Control: Control of events and/or situations.

Revenge: Settling of difference or settling the score.

Below you will find possible interventions to assist in developing an effective behavior plan for students based on the function of the behavior. [Click on the link below to read the suggested interventions.]

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