Fifth Grade
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Can someone give me an idea for some good resources for Readers Theatre in fifth grade? I have looked and several books on Amazon and I like a lot, but my budget does not. I had rather pay a little more for a good solid resource that has a lot of plays, instead of a little that has only that has only a few.

Thanks for any help.

Lisa I'm going to work on a week long unit next week with lessons and reader's theatre scripts to use with my fifth graders after the break. I will post it on TPT. I'll come back and let you know when it's done. Lis
Nov 14, 2012
roundstanley This one is free and timely. It is about Thanksgiving. [link removed]

There is also another free rt on Harriet Tubman for later in the year. [link removed]
Nov 16, 2012

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