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It's finally happened, I think I have burned out. After 21 years of successful teaching, I have hit bottom. I have several difficult students with little to no support from the principal or counselor for behavior incidents. I am crying daily (before and after school hours) and have recently sought the services of a professional counselor. I've been placed on meds for depression and anxiety. I am unable to retire at this time. Any advice from someone who's been here and back? Does it get better or is this how my last years will go?
Cecilia 5th So sorry to hear about you having no support. I am currently dealing with several difficult students myself. Don't have any suggestions but please know you are not alone with what you are describing.

On 11/13/12, JC wrote: > It's finally happened, I think I have burned out. After 21 > years of successful teaching, I have hit bottom...See More
Nov 17, 2012

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