Fifth Grade
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WOW- I have not posted on this board in a few years! But here goes... I am going to do a bulletin board on tiresome words that should not be used so often by my budding writers. I got one idea from Pintrest entitled " said is dead" where kids can come up with multiple synonyms for said. I also will use "went is spent," and look for suggestions like ambled, strolled, etc. to express how someone or something moves. Basically I am looking for a catchy title for the board...first I thought of a word cemetery, but think that theme may be a bit too depressing. I also thought of the "overused word retirement home" - again I must be PC in choosing...and we all know that most everything can be deemed offensive to some. Ay ideas? This is 5th grade.
Chuck On 7/23/13, cam wrote:

>> Basically I am looking for a catchy title for the

> board...

I have something board is titled "Sparkle Words."

On one side I'll put the word "cool" On the other sides I'll put "Sparkle Words" include: Amazing, fascinating, remarkable, ingenious, impressive and admi...See More
Jul 28, 2013
Sara On 7/23/13, cam wrote:

What you're describing is not about grammar - the rules of the language - but about using language. "Say it Differently", "Say Something New" -

but it can be helpful to give them alternatives. It's one thing to tell them what not to write - as in 'went is spent' but it's another thing to give them some ide...See More
Aug 7, 2013

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