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Hi my name is Jackie and I am in my first year of Schooling for Early Childhood Development. I am trying to get a feel for conferences and conflict between teachers and parents. So if you have a story that you might share with me I would greatly appreciate it.

I am wondering if there is any teacher out there who could share with me a conflict they might have had with a parent? How did you try to solve the issue? Has there ever been an issue that you couldn't solve?

I have to role play a conference for a final as a teacher and I'm super nervous about that. I can only imagine what the real deal might feel like.

I'm a parent and have been to a few conferences of my own but I feel as the parent it is a lot easier for me because I don't have to have an agenda on how my child is doing or reports on where they might be prospering and or needing a little more guidance and help in other areas.

I hope that as a teacher I can try to be positive in all aspects...See More
A parent and a teacher The idea of the conference should be a dialog between the parent and the teacher, though that isn't always how it is in real life. Generally, the conference isn't first hint of a conflict because if there is one, the parent has let you know long before the conference that you two don't see eye to eye. LOL

A good approach is to send home a...See More
Dec 4, 2011
Sara On 12/04/11, Jackie wrote:

Do you think pediatricians are nervous every single time they examine a patient? Pediatricians most often see their patients with a parent in the room. I don't know that anyone could survive years of pediatric practice if they were nervous every time they had a parent conference and if you think about it, every ...See More
Dec 5, 2011

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