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We are a K-8 school and several teachers team teach in grades 3-8 or they teach the same subject to, say 5th and 6th, for example.

Our principal is now considering the possibility of doing it in the lower grades. She believes I am the strongest in literacy, so if this came about, I would teach reading/writing to K-2. Does anyone actually do this? If so, how does it work? I really can't imagine it at this point. We have one teacher per grade, 14-22 students in each.

thanks for your input, Wondering
KathyB On 2/03/12, small school wrote: > > We are a K-8 school and several teachers team teach in > grades 3-8 or they teach the same subject to, say 5th and > 6th, for example. > > Our principal is now considering the possibility of doing > it in the lower grades. She believes I am the strongest in > literacy, so if this came abou...See More
Feb 20, 2012

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