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I have several really struggling readers this year. In the past I've only had 1-3 kids who didn't meet school set goals on learning the Dolch Sight Words. This year I have 7!!! I already do a lot of sight word activities as it is. Can you please share some of your "sure-fire" methods to help the whole class but most of all my strugglers? Thank you!
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lzbth I use the materials provided by Cherry Carl of Carl's Corner (google it). In the section called Words of the week there are 11 units. Each unit consists of a, b, c, d, review. This mean 20 words learned 5 at a time. It covers words from all over the dolch lists. There are work sheets to go with each unit. I really like this.
Mar 11, 2012
diana Hi, The words on Carl's Corner are the same as the ones from the and there is a link on Carl's Corner to the schoolbell site. I should have mentioned it before. I use a combination of the games for the words from the schoolbell with the worksheets on Carl's Corner. Diana
Mar 11, 2012
Tammy On 3/11/12, diana wrote: > Hi, > The words on Carl's Corner are the same as the ones > from the and there is a link on Carl's > Corner to the schoolbell site. I should have mentioned > it before. I use a combination of the games for the > words from the schoolbell with the worksheets on Carl's > Corner. Diana ...See More
Mar 11, 2012
MIchelle in MI It seems like if my kids see the word in two different books in guided reading, they own that word. We also do Razkids online and if they see the words there in one book, they seem to know it. I was shocked at how well my kids did when I tested them because we don't spend a lot of time in class specifically on the words. I do sent home about 20 tha...See More
Mar 23, 2012
Diane Henderson Hi Country Teacher I have some FREE materials that I think will be very helpful for your strugglers.

I find that breaking things down phonetically really helps the light bulb go on. I made up an anchor chart listing the Dolch Words phonetically and I've been really successful when I group & teach them that way.

I also agree ...See More
Apr 11, 2012

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