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Hello! I am a student teacher and I would like to have some kind of character like Elf on the Shelf to help motivate my students daily. However, I do not want to use Elf on the Shelf....Is there any other kind of stuffed animal with some kind of book that I can use to go along with this general theme???? Any help would greatly be appreciated. Please email me your response. thanks so much in advance.
Countryteacher On 2/12/12, rozita wrote: > Hello! > I am a student teacher and I would like to have some kind > of character like Elf on the Shelf to help motivate my > students daily. However, I do not want to use Elf on the > Shelf....Is there any other kind of stuffed animal with > some kind of book that I can use to go along with this > g...See More
Feb 25, 2012
Leah You may want to view sample pages from the Kelly Bear books
Feb 25, 2012

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