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I am tutoring a 4th grade student who is reading and performing math at more of a 1st grade level. The mother wants me to help her child learn math as well as reading. Are there any websites or suggestions for helping this child? I have never had to deal with a student who is this low. In my first session, he couldn't pay attention and would transpose numbers and didn't even know basic things.

dan4thgr For reading I like for younger students. Your 4th grader might enjoy it also. To find books at 4th interest level, but lower reading level go to and put any of his interests in the search box and then pick by reading level. has mathmatters groups at 1-2, 3-4 levels. They might help you find i...See More
Feb 27, 2012
AM Just so you know I am a sped parent not a teacher.

Forget what grade he is in other than trying to find high interest materials. Start where he is and work from there. Not being able to pay attention makes it harder so it helps to get the student physically involved as much as you can. Get creative.

If mom's OK with it chewing gu...See More
Mar 18, 2012

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