First Grade
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Hello. I have a first grade son who has a crush on a first grade girl in his class. He seems a bit obessed...says she's beautiful, wonder why she doesn't like him, talks about her almost daily, cut a picture of her out of a school newsletter and put it in his wallet that he keeps at home. She's a daily thought in his mind. The teachers said the girl doesn't mind the attention, in fact she eggs it on, but is it strange for a first grade boy to have such an intense "crush"?

I can take any comments...just want to get to the bottom of this. Makes me uncomfortable but not sure what to do!
MItzi I think by allowing it to continue, everyone is encouraging it. If he asks you why she doesn't like him, I would answer (witha humorous tone) "Dear son! You know you asked me that yesterday! (or five minutes ago) What was my answer?" Or if he says she is beautiful I would answer. "Dear son! WHat did I tell you about that?" Hopefully he would say "I...See More
Feb 29, 2012
AM If she doesn't mind, he isn't bugging her and it isn't affecting his school work I wouldn't worry about it. Chances are something will change it before it's a problem.

My son had the same thing with a girl in Kinder-First then she got with a little clique of girls and him liking her wasn't so cool anymore so she ignored him. It hurt his f...See More
Mar 26, 2012
maureen When I was in first grade in the late 50's there was another first grade boy who was trying to kiss me on the playground (asphalt). I had absolutely no desire to be kissed and I ran as fast as I could to avoid his kiss. I fell flat on my face, knocked out four teeth, swallowed three, and had bloody hands and knees. But I didn't cry. I "Won" that ba...See More
Mar 27, 2012
Leah I loved your post Maureen. So, interesting!

I also agree that this is not a big problem at this age. On 3/27/12, maureen wrote: > When I was in first grade in the late 50's there was another > first grade boy who was trying to kiss me on the playground > (asphalt). I had absolutely no desire to be kissed and I ran > as fast as...See More
Apr 3, 2012
Deb I agree with Maureen, this is a phase will two pass. When I was in Second Grade I had a crush on a classmate also. He used to sing and dance for me which I found funny. Hence, he was my first crush. I used to feel shy talking about him at home. My family used to tease me about my crush until I accepted it myself. I eventually got over that crush. A...See More
Apr 5, 2012

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