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I love the play/musical "3 Piggy Opera" by Carol Kaplan. How can I use this play for a class of 17 children so that everyone gets a part? Thanks
rhonda On 3/30/12, Denise wrote: > I love the play/musical "3 Piggy Opera" by Carol Kaplan. > How can I use this play for a class of 17 children so that > everyone gets a part? Thanks

I used that one several times. If I remember right, there is a chorus and I used the extras for that. Refresh my meomory and I might be able to guide you.
Apr 23, 2012
Stacee Neff On 4/23/12, rhonda wrote: > On 3/30/12, Denise wrote: >> I love the play/musical "3 Piggy Opera" by Carol Kaplan. >> How can I use this play for a class of 17 children so that >> everyone gets a part? Thanks > > I used that one several times. If I remember right, there is a > chorus and I used the extras for that. Refr...See More
May 7, 2012

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