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End of year goal for 1st grade: ALL students will read on or above grade level

what strategies can I use to reach this goal and how can I assess their improvement of lack of improvement. I am a new teacher for the 2012-2013 and I am preparing . Any help or suggestions I appreciate it.

diana I'd suggest starting at the school. What does your school/district/board consider to be "grade level"? What resources are they currently using to teach and/or test reading level? Does the current first grade teacher have any advice on what has worked in the past at that school? Do you have any kind of budget for classroom materials? Any restriction...See More
Apr 25, 2012
John Pfeifer I am not sure what curriculum your school will be using. I would hope it is strong in word attack. Teaching the mechanics and construction of the English language needs to start at the primary level. Give me a shout....I would love to discuss it with you. John - 605 598 4492

On 4/25/12, indi wrote: > End of year goal for 1st grade: ALL ...See More
Apr 28, 2012

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