First Grade
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Do all of you first grade teachers have to record words per minute students can read throughout the year and use a certain goal number (at end of year) to determine if the student passes for the year? For example, Mary has to be able to read 65 words per minute in order to pass first grade? If so, please let me know what your words per minute cut-off is in order to go to 2nd grade.
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jo/ma Oops! Started my spring Dibels testing today and realized I was looking at the wrong norms chart. For Spring 2012, our first graders have to score 65-103 to be considered "average".

On 5/19/12, jo/ma wrote: > We test all kids 3 times a year and do biweekly progress > monitoring on the kids performing below level (they give us > t...See More
May 21, 2012
OP to Jo/ma My first graders who come in struggling with instant alphabet recognition and letter sound fluency sure have a tough time learning to read at this fluency rate. Is it unusual for you other posters to have 3 or 4 out of let's say 18 students who don't accomplish this?

On 5/21/12, jo/ma wrote: > Oops! Started my spring Dibels testing tod...See More
May 26, 2012
Tia I hate dibels with a passion. I have come across slow readers that comprehend very well and fluent readers that can't tell you a thing they have read. It is sad that a child's progress can be measured by a one minute drill. I am seeking a new career. I don't like where education is going.

On 5/26/12, OP to Jo/ma wrote: > My first grader...See More
May 26, 2012
jo/ma to OP I also get 3 or 4 kids every year with little alphabet or letter sound knowledge. Some come straight from family daycare with no kindergarten. 6 out of my 24 will likely not make our 65-103 state norm for "average" and will be considered low average, below average, or well below average, depending on their scores. I have been doing RTI and progress...See More
May 26, 2012
Mrs. Mikesell Q1 - 15 Q2 - 30 Q3 - 45 Q4 - 60

...for First Grade.
Feb 12, 2013

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