First Grade
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Any suggestions for making a word wall? We had a training for a writing program called, "Kid Write" that utilizes the reading high frequency word wall as a spelling resource for the students. Beign my first year in grade 1 after teaching several years in 3rd & 4th, I used pocket charts to display the spelling and high frequency words (along with several review words) for each lessoon. Any advice as I look to plan & prep for next year would be very much appreciated!

jo/ma I bought 12 of the small $1 pocket charts you can find in the Target Dollar Spot aisles every Aug/Sept. I stapled them to a large bulletin board in 2 rows of 6, so it looks like one gigantic pocket chart. I put the kids' first names under the appropriate letters to start the year and then add words as we study them and as we need them in writing (e...See More
May 31, 2012
Praline Here a site with Word Wall ideas. I hope this helps.

[link removed]
Jun 1, 2012

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