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Our district is only implementing the Language Arts piece of the Common Core next year. I have been trying to find classroom blogs for language arts and can't find any. I am finding a lot on math, though. Can anyone steer me in the right direction? Thanks
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Ooh my goodness Common Core in the language arts area is based upon best and > deliberate practice. Some quick talking points would include > such things as... > Close reading- this is where students read and reread text, with > a purpose in mind. The first time they might read to understand > the main idea. The second time, they might read to under...See More
Oct 13, 2012
Shirley On 10/13/12, Ooh my goodness wrote: > >> Common Core in the language arts area is based upon best and >> deliberate practice. Some quick talking points would include >> such things as... >> Close reading- this is where students read and reread text, with >> a purpose in mind. The first time they might read to unders...See More
Oct 13, 2012
Ooh my goodness Good question. It was a rather hard book. I read the whole story to > them on Monday. I typed up the story, into 4 segments. I will say, it > was a bit much. But...I have some high readers in my first grade > class. I looped with my K students to first. Some of my students are > already reading at early 2nd grade level (some!- not not, ...See More
Oct 13, 2012
Shirley WOW -- you type a lot of information fast! Just so you know -- I wasn't > the original poster but I certainly could have written that person's post. > I have only 5 high readers right now. So, something like that may be done > whole group and orally initially for me (all sitting at the carpet) then I > might transition to our document c...See More
Oct 14, 2012
Ooh my goodness On 10/14/12, Shirley wrote: > >> WOW -- you type a lot of information fast! Just so >> you know -- I wasn't the original poster but I >> certainly could have written that person's post. I >> have only 5 high readers right now. So, something >> like that may be done whole group and orally >> initially for me (a...See More
Oct 14, 2012

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