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Hello all! I may be teaching 1st grade next year at a private school. They emphasize small reading groups instead of using a basal. I used to teach 3rd grade at a public school and we just followed the basal's teacher curriculum so all the lessons were planned out for me. Even so, I always felt like I was struggling trying to figure out how exactly to teach a child to learn how to read. Anyway I never had any courses in college on how to teach reading, and I'd really like to get a handle on that this summer so that I am confident in my ability to teach reading from the ground up (although I know they learn a lot in kinder.) Can any of you recommend to me the book or textbook which was the most helpful to you in learning how to teach reading? There are so MANY books out there and I am bewildered! Any help you can give would be SO appreciated!
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Joan VPK Reading Rockets has a wealth of information about teaching reading. There are articles, guides, podcasts, etc. and it's all free.

Good luck!

Jun 17, 2012
diana I teach using a combination of phonics, sight words, the beanie baby reading strategies, and ideas from Debbie Millar's "Reading With Meaning". The sight word activities I use come from Cherry Carl's website and Here is a site for beanie baby reading strategies: [link removed]
Jun 18, 2012
Kay Thank you all for your help!!
Jun 23, 2012
RTH I suggest that you read Reading Is Only the Tiger's Tail by Robert and Marlene McCracken. It is a clear, sequential guide to teaching beginning reading. It's a small volume, packed with practical and effective lessons.

[link removed]
Jul 6, 2012
RTH On 7/06/12, RTH wrote: > I suggest that you read Reading Is Only the Tiger's Tail by Robert > and Marlene McCracken. It is a clear, sequential guide to teaching > beginning reading. It's a small volume, packed with practical and > effective lessons. > > [link removed]
Jul 6, 2012

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