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I'm moving from K to 1st next year. I was wondering if I have individual dictionaries for the kids, where there are words in them, plus room for them to write in more words, do I need to have a word wall too?

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Lill There are several personal things that you can have the students use when they are writing but you absolutely should have a word wall for those words that you want them to spell correctly 100% of the time. Our core word list for 1st grade is not very lengthy and does not take up much space. When you do themed unit a portable word wall is appropriat...See More
Jul 11, 2012
Grace What about hanging them from the ceiling? I saw a picture of a classroom where the teacher did that and it looked pretty neat.
Jul 13, 2012
krazekat I have use of 1/3 of of a classroom as I have to share with another teacher. We both have small classes. Because I have no wall space on my side of the room, I am using the closet doors. I have started Dolch sight words. I have tested them on the word lists from preprimer through 1st and have started posting words that most of them know and will ad...See More
Aug 30, 2012
mimi-tn I looped from K last year and for the first time in years am using a word notebook instead of a word wall. Mine has the K words in it when we begin. Each week I have the students put the words on index cards (for home practice) and then into the book. I check both. When they need to spell a word I encourage them to use the book. It has been a hard ...See More
Nov 7, 2012
Jessie In first grade, we used both. Students were given a booklet listing words that they might use when writing. Some were sight words and others were just words likely to be used by first grade writers. I was amazed at how quickly the students learned to use the Word wall booklets. I had children coming to me and asking, "Is this word "small" during th...See More
Nov 17, 2012

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