First Grade
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How many of you First Grade teachers have desks in your rooms? How many have tables? Which do you prefer and why? How do you have them arranged? When I went into my new room, the desks were arranged in rows of 2. It took up a lot of space in a small room. I'm thinking of arranging them of pods of 4/5. Do you think this will work? How many of you have a rug in your rooms as a central meeting place? Thanks for taking a look, and your help!
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Mary On 7/14/12, Karen M. wrote: > How many of you First Grade teachers have desks in your > rooms? How many have tables? Which do you prefer and > why? How many of you have a rug in your rooms as a central meeting place?

I absolutely have a rug as a central meeting place....morning meeting, calendar, etc. A rug is a must! I thought I...See More
Jul 15, 2012
Mary, again Forgot to say that with tables there is more opportunity for kids to look at their neighbor's work and not use their own resources. It's also physically easier for me to help kids when they're at a desk.....don't have to squeeze in between the kids at a table (also the other kids hear what I'm saying and, again, might not use their own resources). ...See More
Jul 15, 2012
annette Last year I switched to round tables and could fit 4 children comfortably. It has pros and cons. This year I will move to a bigger room so I hope it will work out even better. I also have a rug that I do a lot of my whole group instruction. Desks offer more flexibility of how you can arrange your students but I will try the tables again.

O...See More
Jul 27, 2012
AnneCT I have desks, and yes, a carpet in front of the smart board. I rearrange the desks each month to help kids to socialize with others. Groups of 4/5, horse shoe shape, traditional rows, two long table groups, even odd pentominoe type groupings. Sets of two with spaces take up too much space in my class.

Desks give me the opportunity to make...See More
Aug 12, 2012
grace My students have desk and I group them differently through the year. I also have a carpet that we meet on, it is a rectangle and four rows of five color dots, one row is red, one row is yellow,one row is blue, and one row purple. A couple of years ago I traded in my desk for a kidney shaped table to use during small group time.

n 8/12/12,...See More
Sep 15, 2012

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