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I am looking for Salt Hands by Jane Chelsea Aragon.I have checked Amazon but it is an older book- copyright 1989 and the cheapest copy is $25.00. A bit over my budget lol Any idea where else to look?
jo/ma Wow, I can't believe how much everyone is charging for that book! It also costs a lot on ebay right now, but you can SAVE a search for the book on Ebay and they will email you when any are newly listed. You can even limit the search to a certain price range. Also, call all used book stores in your vicinity. Hope this helps.

On 7/27/12, Pra...See More
Jul 28, 2012
mhugs It is expensive. Have you tried your local library for a copy? Our library has a search on line feature that also allows me to reserve books from many area libraries. We can renew on line too. I can usually keep the books for an entire unit. And the service is FREE.
Aug 5, 2012

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