First Grade
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Are you reading Wizard of Oz with your first graders? Not sure if this is just state (Georgia) or if it's national. How are you handling the difficult vocabulary? My kids look at me like I am speaking a foreign language. We stop and discuss a LOT, but they are losing comprehension. Not sure what else to do. Any suggestions...
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mhugs The MAPS project of CCSS has it listed on their books to read. Our school is using the MAPS but I choose to exclude it. I had students lst spring get upset with some of the various Cinderella stories...will cross that bridge in the spring.

Curious what are you using for teaching basic reading
Sep 2, 2012
jo/ma I think The Wizard of Oz would be way over the top for my first graders too. Thankfully, my state put the author, L. Frank Baum, on the Grades 3-4 suggested reading list.

On 8/17/12, Lisa wrote: > Are you reading Wizard of Oz with your first graders? Not > sure if this is just state (Georgia) or if it's national. > How are you ha...See More
Sep 8, 2012
Shirley On 9/08/12, jo/ma wrote: > I think The Wizard of Oz would be way over the top for my > first graders too. Thankfully, my state put the author, L. > Frank Baum, on the Grades 3-4 suggested reading list. > > > On 8/17/12, Lisa wrote: >> Are you reading Wizard of Oz with your first graders? Not >> sure if this is just sta...See More
Sep 9, 2012
Jo I just added a few Wizard of Oz activities on my website. If there's something you'd like me to make, let me know. Now that I've drawn the characters, tweaking them into activities is easy
Sep 12, 2012
Karen M. Thanks Jo!!

On 9/12/12, Jo wrote: > I just added a few Wizard of Oz activities on my website. If > there's something you'd like me to make, let me know. Now that > I've drawn the characters, tweaking them into activities is easy
Sep 19, 2012

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