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Hey everyone, new member, new poster here.

I just started teaching at a Boys and Girls Club of America in the Austin Area as an Art Teacher (woah that's a mouthful!) But anyone, I was promised a wide variety of kids but i've only ever been stuck with kids from ages 5 - 9

My main problem is, I have no teaching experience. This is supposed to be my foot up towards a teaching degree and I can honestly say you're all superheroes. It's my second day teaching and I feel like i'm getting some gray hairs already!

But to the meat of my question, how do you get your kids to LISTEN to you and be quiet? I don't know how many of you are familiar with BGCAAs but they're usually (well mine is) cramped and small and a good 3/4s of the kids are unruly, undisciplined, and rude. very rude. They wont ever listen to me for more than a few moments. I always have a few that will NEVER listen, even when I bring them to the front and have them stand by me or talk to the class abou...See More
PedagoNet erhaps these five discipline management techniques will help
Aug 30, 2012
krazekat Here is another helpful video. It is part of Whole Brain teaching: [link removed].

Instruction in routines and procedures is a must. This will not occur in one or two class sessions. Keep going until they have it ingrained in them
Aug 30, 2012
Leah You may get a new idea from the following list.
Sep 23, 2012
Anne Leah, I'm sure your list of suggestions is wonderful but frankly I frown upon plugging one's wares on chatboards. If people want to contribute suggestions, tips or advice, fine but please don't hawk your materials. Thanks.

On 9/23/12, Leah wrote: > You may get a new idea from the following list.
Sep 26, 2012
Grace Miranda, I'm surprised and sorry that no one responded to your question. Unfortunately I am in the same boat and was hoping that someone would offer some seasoned advice. You posted a while ago....maybe this will will serve as a reminder and some answers will follow!

On 8/28/12, Miranda Offill wrote: > Hey everyone, new member, new post...See More
Sep 26, 2012

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