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I need advice....I have a student who is very bright and is well beyond the first grade math curriculum. I met with his parents and we decided that it would be best for him to go to 2nd grade math. We do math at the same time and the 2nd grade teacher and I work together well. I have also done this in other years. I have a new principal this year and she completely denied my request, would not listen to all the reasons why it was the best choice. She wants me to challenge him within the classroom. I work at a small catholic school and only have 8 students this year. No one is near his level, in fact he tested better than every 2nd grader on aimsweb. I don't want to single him out for lessons as he is a bit "quirky" and I don't feel like that would be conducive to his socialization. This week we are working on the doubles, doubles +1 facts and turn around facts. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can differentiate for him, without having to teach a separate lesson to just him. I don't ...See More

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